movietime - musicalMUSICAL / PROD: 1954 / R.TIME: 93 ' / colour


Flavio Calzavara


M. Del Monaco - T. Gobbi - G. Arnaldi - A. Silvani


Italian, English, French, German, Spanish (subtitles)


Rigoletto, a tragic opera suffused with glorious music, tells the story of the dallying Duke of Mantova, his women and his clown, Rigoletto, who amuses him while having fun by poking the courtiers for their sins... at the same time procuring their brides and daughters for the pleasure of the Duke. The tables are turned when the courtiers kidnap Rigoletto's daughter, Gilda, and take her to the Duke. By a twist of circumstance these two fall in love with each other. When Rigoletto shouts out his grief, Gilda is returned to him and he, thinking the Duke has seduced her, decides on revenge by getting Sparafucile to assassinate the Duke. Gilda, who has no idea of these plans, arranges a rendezvous with the Duke for a night. She dresses as a man so as not to be recognized. In the dark and dressed as she was, Sparafucile mistakes her for the Duke and stabs her to death. Thus a curel fate pays off Rigoletto where it hurts the most