MACISTE E LA REGINA DI SAMAR (Maciste contro gli uomini luna)

movietime - adventureADVENTURE / PROD: 1964 / R.TIME: 92 ' / colour


Giacomo Gentilomo


A. Steel - J. Clar - A. M. Polani - N. Tamberlani


Italian, English, French


The Queen of Samar and her allied mooncreatures sacrifice regularly women of her kingdom in order to give new life to the dead Selene - a Princess from outer space. Prince Darix, to save his beloved Bilis, seeks Maciste's help... but the two are taken prisoners! As soon as they have escaped, they plan a counterattack with the help of the men and... after freeing Bilis, Selene looses any chance of coming back to life and cruel Sama is defeated! Darix and Bilis regain the kingdom: everlasting peace will reign